Monday to Friday Timings

Reporting to School and Attendance

9a.m to 9.10a.m

First Bell for Assembly


Arrival for the morning assembly



9.25a.m to 9.45a.m

Interaction with class teachers

9.50a.m to 10.00a.m

1st Period

10a.m to 10.40a.m

2nd Period

10.40a.m 10 11.20a.m

3rd Period

11.20a.m to 12 noon

4th Period

12 noon to 12.40p.m

Lunch break

12.40p.m to 1.10p.m

5th Period

1.10p.m to 1.50p.m

6th Period

1.50p.m to 2.30p.m

7th Period

2.30p.m to 3.10p.m

8th Period

3.10p.m to 3.50p.m

Evening prayer inside the class

3.50p.m to 4p.m

Normal time of departure for students


Normal time of departure for teachers


Saturday Timings

Arrival in School

Before 8.20a.m

First Bell for Assembly



8.40a.m to 9a.m

1st Period: Mass PT

9a.m to 9.30a.m

2nd Period

9.40a.m to 10.20a.m

3rd Period

10.20a.m to 11.00 a.m


11a.m to 11.10a.m

4th Period

8.30a.m to 8.40a.m
11.10a.m to 11.50a.m

5th Period

11.50a.m to 12.30p.m

Normal time of departure


Saturday is a holiday for students of Grades Pre-KG, LKG and UKG. They may be invited to the school for some activities under ‘NO BAG DAY’ program. Parents are requested to co-operate in this regard.